[BUG] Canvas doesn't refresh after compile for BlackBoardOnly attribute

NodeCanvas Forums Support [BUG] Canvas doesn't refresh after compile for BlackBoardOnly attribute


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  • #14907

    If I mark a BBParameter in a task with BlackBoardOnly attribute while the Canvas editor is open (open while Unity is compiling for that change), if I select that node and try to assign to that BBParameter all I see as an option is “dynamic”. If I close/open canvas or switch to another behavior and come back, only after that I get options for the blackboard variables for that BBParameter.



    Hello again,

    Hmm. Do you mean that you only see the “(DynamicVar)” option in the drop down, or that the BBParameter has a string assigned alongside the “warning icon” stating that it is dynamic? I can’t really replicate that (with the graph editor open like you said). What version of NodeCanvas are you using please?

    Please let me know.

    Thank you.

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    I only see (DynamicVar) option in the drop-down



    I’ve had this problem too.

    I think it happens if you write something like

    public BBParameter<float> foo;,

    let unity compile, open up that action, then realize that your parameter should be BB only so you modify it to look like this:

    [BlackboardOnly] public BBParameter<float> foo;


    Hmm. This is honestly very strange. I just tried doing this and it works as it should. The only reason why only the “DynamicVar” option would display, is if there are not blackboards referenced by the BBParameter (which of course is done automatically and there should always be referencing the local graph blackboard). However, I am not able to replicate any instance where this happens (meaning no blackboard reference exists).

    Are you using the latest version 3.0.5 ?

    Thank you.

    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/97q2Rjh


    I’m on Unity 2019.3, macOS, NodeCanvas 3.0.5

    I can reproduce it by doing the following:

    1. Create an empty bound FSM.
    2. Create an Action node.
    3. Create a new ActionTask:

    4. Add Test Action Task to the Action node.
    5. While the node inspector GUI is still open, switch back to the code editor.
    6. Modify TestActionTask to look like this:

    7. Tab back to Unity and wait for recompiliation.
    8. Results look like screenshot attached.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Thank you for the steps. I was able to reproduce this now. Even though it is not critical (since hitting the “Edit Graph” button again, or in the toolbar -> “Edit/Re-Validate Graph” set the blackboard reference correctly), it is still a bit annoying and something I will have to fix 🙂

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