[BUG] CheckVariable broken?

NodeCanvas Forums Support [BUG] CheckVariable broken?

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  • #14887

    I have a Transform on my Blackboard called “Target” that is set to a GameObject’s transform. When the GameObject is destroyed in the scene, the Blackboard correctly recognizes that “Target” is now null.

    However, the CheckVariable<T> condition transition that compares “Target” to NONE thinks that “Target” is not null.

    Under the hood, in CheckTransform<T>.OnCheck(), valueA.value evaluates to "null" (a string with the contents of “null”) rather than null, which causes this problem.

    I’m on NodeCanvas 3.0.5.



    The problem stems from how Unity treats UnityEngine.Objects when they are deleted. I have added a special case in the CheckVariable to handle this situation and attached the fixed package for you here.

    Let me know if that works for you.

    Thanks 🙂

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    > Let me know if that works for you.

    Seems to work, thanks!

    I notice that ObjectUtils.AnyEquals is also used in a few other places in the codebase — I haven’t seen any bugs from it yet, but do they need the same fix?


    I will run a code review regarding this and let you know (as well as fix it) if anything comes up 🙂


    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/97q2Rjh


    Confirming that some other areas that use ObjectUtils.AnyEquals, such as BBParameter.isNull, are affected by this.


    Thank you for the report.

    The source of the issue mostly comes from the fact that when a Unity object is destroyed, it is still kept referenced (which is normal). A more proper workaround fix for this would be to please open up ObjectUtils.cs and change method AnyEquals to this:

    This should handle the null checks with unity objects better and of course for all cases AnyEquals method is used (thus no need for the first fix I sent you any longer)

    Let me know if that works for you.
    Thanks 🙂

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