Whole Node Canvas stars spitting errors and warnings like crazy when I added a “Check Function” node pointing to a method that had 2 different versions of itself. Ie. Reached(Vector3 destination) and Reached(Transform destination). Node editor just can’t handle and bursts with errors.
Nothing big, but I guess that you would want to know about it :).
The script control tasks work with overloaded methods. I just tried that again with the Check Function and seems to work fine.
What kind of errors do you get?
It may be because of my modyfications to the Node Canvas, but they were tiny – just a jump to proper file on clicking execute function node and coloring the missing methods (things we discussed here on forum).
From the looks of the editor in image, the problem lies solely in the info of the action (showing the missing method).
It will be properly fixed in the next version, but I can give you a dirty fix for that if you wish now.
Alterinatively please remove that code we’ve previously added 🙂