[BUG] Modifying a Exposed Graph Variable in Prefab Mode sometimes crashes Unity.

NodeCanvas Forums Support [BUG] Modifying a Exposed Graph Variable in Prefab Mode sometimes crashes Unity.

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  • #15067

    Modifying a Blackboard’s exposed Graph Variable inside of a Prefab, via Prefab Mode, sometimes crashes Unity if Prefab Mode Auto-Save is on. This issue does not occur if Prefab Auto-Save is off.

    I notice this the most when I have exposed Graph Variables and I’m dragging an asset (like a material) into the exposed Graph Variable slot on the GameObject Blackboard. This may actually be related to https://nodecanvas.paradoxnotion.com/forums/topic/bug-nc-too-aggressive-in-marking-scene-dirty/ since the graph is always dirty and maybe that causes an error in Unity when it’s serializing to disk or whatever.


    Did the fix regarding that other post (setting scenes dirty) also fixed this issue you are having here? I am asking because I can’t really reproduce a crash no matter what I try.

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    Huh, I think it did actually. I’ll keep trying but I haven’t been able to reproduce the crash (and I was able to reproduce it fairly easily before)


    Confirming that the dirty scene bugfix (https://nodecanvas.paradoxnotion.com/forums/topic/bug-nc-too-aggressive-in-marking-scene-dirty/) does indeed resolve this issue as well. I just opened a fresh project, forgot to copy over the dirty scene bugfix, and almost immediately crashed when I tried to undo a change on a prefab that had a graph on it and auto-save active.

    PS: have seen other people with this problem on discord, so pushing out a bugfix release might be nice for them. 🙂


    Hello again,

    Thanks for letting me know!
    Indeed, I will push a new hotfix version along with a few other fixes that have now been resolved.
    Thank you 🙂

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