[Bug] ReflectionsTools.cs

NodeCanvas Forums Support [Bug] ReflectionsTools.cs

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  • #13551

    I think there is a bug in ReflectionsTools.cs::GetType()

    It shouldn’t be “return typeMap[typeFullName] = type;”?



    The idea here, is that we do not replace the name/type lookup, for another possible type that exists in it’s correct FullName that we inquire it for. If we replace a failed lookup that returned due to FallbackNoNamespace with a FullName we requested, then we are essentially replacing all further lookups with that requested FullName, to point to a previously found type failed by namespace, instead of the actual type that exists in the correct namespace (FullName) we inquire it for.
    That was the idea at least and it could be possible that I misjudge something here 🙂
    Let me know if want to elaborate further.


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    I don’t understand because if you found a type due to fallbackNoNamespace you don’t use the typeFullName which is bad. You have to cache it to not lookup twice or more for the next time you have the same typeFullName. So the best solution is to do this:

    PS: I edited my NodeCanvas version to avoid resolution type by attribute(DeserializeFromAttribute) or without namespace. It causes a huge CPU spike when I instanciate a blackboard at runtime. Could it be resolved at serialization or something like that but not at runtime?
    And for ReflectionTools::GetDirectType() it could be resolved quickly if you concat assembly name of the type at the end separated with a comma. Ex: Type.GetType(“UnityEditor.ProfilerWindow,UnityEditor.dll”).



    Maybe you are right and I am wrong in this :). I will need to re-think this with a clear mind.

    Regarding [DeserializeFromAttribute], it is uber slow indeed, but is only called if there is a request for a missing type FullName, that has not been resolved. Normally, OnAfterDeserialize in the editor though, the correct “found” type is Serialized back and as such would no longer result as “missing” and thus not fallback to using [DeserializeFromAttribute] any longer. For your information, this is taking place in the “fsRecoveryProcessor” class, which handles this for Nodes, Connections, Tasks, BBParameters and Blackboard Variables.

    Can you please let me know the stack from which the [DeserializeFromAttribute] resolution is called from?


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