<p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: ‘Helvetica Neue’; color: #000000;”>When a GraphOwner’s (or in my case, a BehaviorTreeOwner’s) First Activation property is set to OnStart, and it’s OnEnable property is set to “Do Nothing” (not the default) then it works properly. However when OnEnable is set to “Enable Behavior” in this situation, then the first activation is not on Start, its on Enable. My AI agent needs the graph to start on start() so its dependencies are ready before the behavior tries to access them. However it also needs to needs to be able to be enabled or disabled, just not the very first Enable when runtime begins.</p>
Hmm. I just retried the setup you mentioned.
First Activation = On Start.
On Enable = Enable Behaviour.
When runtime begins and for the first time the gameobject activates, the behaviour graph is enabled in “Start” (first activation).
From thereafter of course, whenever the gameobject is deactivated and re-activated, the behaviour graph is enabled in “OnEnable”.
I have just tried this and it works as expected. What NodeCanvas version are you using please?
Thank you.
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