We are currently using NC but we are experiencing some problems.
When I first load a scene, I can ‘play’ it without problems. But when I build (any platform) I get the below errors and I can no longer even play the scene. Restarting Unity solves this until I try building again.
My partner does not have this problem even though we both use the same repository (git/sourcetree). We are both using Macs, with Unity 5.6 latest.
I can answer your question. Those namespaces you are using are not included on a build because are Editor only. Every reference to that namespaces must be inside a #if UNITY_EDITOR condition in order to exclude them when building.
When you build the game everything editor-related gets cutted, so if you have any reference to it in your code, it will crash. Except if this code is in an “Editor” folder, in that case, all this code it’s ignored. So, if your friend and you really have identical folders and he can build… well, he did some trick or magic that I don’t know 🙁
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