When I try to copy the text field string in the Statement Node, the string I copied ends up being #00000000.
When I copy in the FSM, it works normally.
Has anybody encountered the same problem? How do I fix it?
Hello. Hmm what version of NodeCanvas are you using? Do you mean the “Say” node in Dialogue Trees? Also, Are you on a PC or Mac? I just tried copy/pasting the text (latest version, on PC) and works fine.
Let me know.
I’m using the latest version 3.3.0, Unity Version 2023.2.8f1.
And yes, I mean the “Say” node in the Dialogue Trees.
I tested it on three different PCs, and it happens on both Windows 10 and 11.
I also tried creating a new project and only importing NodeCanvas, but still can’t copy.
Weird, sometimes the FSM and Behaviour Tree can’t be copied either.
I found out that I can copy/paste by using the right-click drop-down menu, but I can’t when using ctrl+c/ctrl+v.
Hello again. I can confirm that in Unity 2023 that is indeed the case (probably Unity changed something again). That was not the case in any previous Unity versions where copy/pasting worked fine utill now. I will check to see what Unity changed in version 2023.
Thanks for letting me know.