Hello, I’m new to the nodeCanvas, I’m trying to copy variables from the nodeCanvas’ behavior tree blackbroad to the playmaker FSM.
I’m using the “Sync Variables” functions of the “start playmaker FSM” Action, but it didn’t copy the blackbroad variables to PM FSM.
I just tick the “Sync Variables” box, thought that will work but seems not, do I need anything special?
I had read the “Playmaker Integration” part of the document, but there is no example, still didn’t know how to make it work, Can anyone help?
Or is there any other way to transfer variables between nodeCanvas BT and Playmaker FSM ?
The “Sync Variables” feature of the Playmaker integration, will not create new variables in the PM FSM, but rather sync existing PM variables only, which have the same name and type as the NodeCanvas ones.. This is because playmaker does not support all type of variables like NodeCanvas does, but rather only a specific set of types.
So, what you need to do here, is to pre-create variables in your PM FSM, that have the same name and type as the ones in NodeCanvas. Thus for example you will need to create a PM variable named “TestInt” and of type Integer, another one named “TestVect” and of type Vector3 and so on.
After this is done and in play mode, once the Start Playmaker FSM node is called, the Sync Variables feature, will copy the NodeCanvas variable values, to the PM FSM variables. (once again, as long as they have the same name and be the same type).