Hi all,
I have been using NodeCanvas for the better part of a year now and have had been experiencing a considerable amount of lag. I am using NodeCanvas for branching dialogue. Whenever I have completed somewhere between 30-50 nodes worth of dialogue options and outcomes, the canvas itself starts to lag so badly that I am unable to continue my work. Typing a single sentence becomes a pain and even just moving around the canvas takes forever. I am on the current version of Unity 2018.2.6f1 and the current version of NodeCanvas v2.8.1, but it has given me the same issue on various versions of both NodeCanvas and Unity.
As it stands I am unable to finish working on any scene that I start… and thus, I am writing out dialogue by hand. If anyone as experienced this issue themselves or could think of a way to problem shoot, I’m all ears.
There is a known issue, where the graph is keeping serialized every editor frame in very certain cases and that is what is most than probably cause the lag you are experiencing.
Specifically, if the DialogueTreeController or the DialogueTree Asset is selected and currently in view of the Unity inspector, Unity will keep calling serialize every frame (which I personally consider a Unity bug).
The solution to this (until proper fix), would be to please deselect the DialogueTreeController or the Dialogue Tree Asset when editing the graph, or simply select anything else other than those two.
Please let me know if that works for you, or if the lag persists after using the above workaround.
Thank you.
That does not work. I will just use the sub dialogue trees and break up the work load. It will take getting used to, but it should be more efficient that way. Thank you for your help. I will add a star to my review on Unity, the lagginess is only present if you don’t use sub dialogue trees and thus its not an end all of the asset.
Hello again,
Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the follow up.
While using SubDialogues is certainly an option, I want to let you know that I currently look at further optimizing the inspector, so that you don’t have to necessarily use SubDialogues. I know what the problem is right now, and trying to fix it 🙂
Thank you!
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