Check if Enum has Flag value

NodeCanvas Forums Custom Nodes & Tasks Check if Enum has Flag value


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  • #10969

    I would like to share my code and also ask if someone has some tip to improve.
    The main problem with this code is when i change any value in my Enum with Flag my ValueA or ValueB reset.
    I already tried use Attributes in this code but still reseting… The strange thing is that this Attributes do not reset my enum value in inspector with normal scripts.
    Another problem is that BlackBoard dosent support Flag apparently.



    The problem of reseting when changing the enum value of a flags enum, is relevant to how things are serialized in NodeCanvas. I will take a look at this. I’ve also added support for flags enum in the blackboard as well and will be included in the next version.
    Finaly, thanks for sharing the task 🙂

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