Condition List Loses All Custom Blackboard References at Runtime

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Condition List Loses All Custom Blackboard References at Runtime

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  • #9068

    Hey, I have a custom BB Variable called BBCombatAITarget, which holds a CombatAITarget value. It works great everywhere I’ve tried it, but right now I’ve got a Condition List which when I hit playmode, suddenly loses all the references to the blackboard variables of type BBCombatAITarget and goes back to |NONE|. It actually somehow saves these changes to the behaviour tree in playmode! Tried a string reference as well and it works fine inside the condition list. BBCombatAITarget references to the blackboard also work fine in conditions outside the condition list.

    This happens whether the tree is a prefab or not.


    It’s actually being caused by my custom conditions. And it happens outside of Condition Lists as well. All references on my custom conditions are lost immediately on hitting play — nothing in the code is changing the behavior tree at that point. It doesn’t have a behaviour tree owner at that point, though. Do I need to handle the references in the Condition’s Init() method?


    It does have a blackboard reference and an agent reference set in the inspector, however.


    Lol, I wasn’t marking my BB types as [serializable]. Problem solved I assume, will post again if I’m still having trouble.

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