Continuous call of a method in a FSM Action

NodeCanvas Forums Support Continuous call of a method in a FSM Action

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    Hi, maybe it’s in front of my eyes, but since I can’t find it, let me ask: whenever I set a method inside a FSM Action, it’s called once and that’s it, but I wanted to use the called method as some sort of Update() function — is there a way of making it being called continuously?

    Also, is there a way of accessing the OnStateEnter(IState), OnStateUpdate(IState) and OnStateExit(IState) callbacks of each state inside the visual editor, so I can assign a different action for each one of them?

    Thanks and best regards! 🙂


    Hello Edward,

    I am very sorry, I missed your post :/

    Regarding you first question, I will add a “Repeat” bool check for those Tasks in the next update : )

    OnStateEnter, OnStateExit and OnStateUpdate, are callbacks called on any MonoBehaviour on the agent game object that implement those methods, so that you optionaly can if you want, take complete control of the state’s actions through code.
    Can you please clarify what you mean with your 2nd question?

    Thanks and again sorry for this late reply.

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    Has this feature been implemented? I fail to find a ‘repeat’ checkbox both on the task or the state node. Regards, Felix


    Regarding the 2nd question of Edgard… What he means is that you have separate action lists of state enter, exit, and update… currently it’s on state enter, only.

    That would be greatly appreciated if this would be possible to implement. (In fact that is precisely what I was looking for.) Regards, Felix


    Okay, from my POV there is an super-easy already existing approach to it: create a custom task that describes the whole state:


    Hello Felix,

    Indeed, creating a single task that IS actually the state, is a way to go if you do coding.
    Alterinatively (as said earlier) you can leverage the State callbacks on any Monobehaviour on your agent game object. Very similar to how the new Unity 5 StateBehaviours work.

    Now, I am a bit skeptical on having 1 action list for each OnEnter, OnStay and OnExit. Both because that the UI will become very cluttered and I fear that in the end it will create more confusion. Often, sticking to limitations create a better workflow. At least in my point of view 🙂

    Final, the reapeat, has not yet been implemented as there were some issues, which have resolved in the work I am lately doing, so hopefully it will be there for the State Node.

    Thanks and best regars,

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