I have quickly examined the api, and i saw there is “Time” usage like “Time.time” for ellapsed time and “Time.deltaTime” for deltaTime. I have my own “Time” implementation for my current game for slow-motion effects. So, it would be very good if we can assign our time functions into api using System.Func<float> or something like that and it would be very useful if we can reassign it dynamically. I would do it also but you know, when i update it to next version i will loose all changes. Yes, i know i can do my own actions and conditions but this is just a suggestion.
I am considering to buy FlowCanvas also and as i understand they share same framework, so it would be very nice to see it in next version.
(By the way, i would like to have an option for not automatically focus to canvas when i click an object with FSMOwner.)
Thanks for your suggestion. Even though it is a very special case (not many people use custom “Time” implementation I think), I will take a look at this and see what can be done 🙂 Your solution of hooking into some sort of a static System.Func also sounds like a good one.
I will try to squeeze this in the coming version, but if not due to it being already finished, it will certainly be in the next one.
(By the way, in the new coming version the canvas auto-focus has already been fixed as well).
I have a custom solution for this at the moment. I added a property called ‘Time’ in NodeCanvas.Framework.Task, so if you use Time.time or Time.deltaTime in a task, it will use the custom implementation instead of the regular one provided by Unity. It would be nice to see an official feature here.
By the way, doomination, if you use revision control software like Git, or similar, you should be able to merge in a new version and keep your own changes. This is what I’ve been doing and I updated twice since I started making some changes. Just make a separate branch for official updates and merge them into your current branch.
Thank you for your advice timv. Yes, i am using version control and i can merge branches as you said. I can also write some editor code to do necessary changes when i update the plugin. There are several ways to do it. It was just a suggestion. It would be a very nice and convenient addition.
Just a heads up.
Unfortunately, I was not able to squeeze in this feature request in the new version which I have just send to the asset store, due to it being already too much delayed, with important fixes and improvements that I had to publish. I will certainly though look at implementing this feature in an upcoming hotfix.