Is it possible to have an action task be performed at the same time as a dialogue node? For example, some image appears on the screen during a specific dialogue box and then disappears when the player moves on to the next dialogue node. Thanks very much!
Hmm. There are two solutions I can think for that right now.
1) You can add an Action Node before the Dialogue Node to show the image for example, and another Action Node after the Dialogue Node. 2) A better solution, would be that you can use a single Action Node with multiple Action Tasks without any Dialogue Node. If you notice, there is a “Say” action task in the list of tasks. So, you can essentially use the “Say” action task, in place of using a Dialogue Node altogether. The benefit of doing this of course, is that you can arrange other actions in the list and keep everything under one node.
Once again, using the “Say” Action Task, is practically the same as using the “Say” dialogue node.