NodeCanvas Forums › General Discussion › Dialogue Trees Component for UI Toolkit
Tagged: UI Toolkit
Hello, I quickly whipped up support for UI Toolkit (by modifying the original DialogueUGUI).
Here is the UXML for an exemplary UI (sory, but this is the worst forum for posting code examples :(((
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<ui:VisualElement style="flex-grow: 1;"> <ui:GroupBox name="dialogue_box" style="width: 50%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.59); border-left-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-right-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-top-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-bottom-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-top-width: 2px; border-right-width: 2px; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-left-width: 2px; border-top-left-radius: 8px; border-top-right-radius: 8px; border-bottom-right-radius: 8px; border-bottom-left-radius: 8px; padding-top: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; padding-left: 8px; margin-top: 16px; margin-right: 16px; margin-bottom: 16px; margin-left: 16px; display: flex;"> <ui:VisualElement name="InfoGroup" style="min-height: auto; flex-direction: row; width: initial; min-width: auto; align-items: flex-start; margin-bottom: 8px;"> <ui:Image name="info_image" style="width: 100%; flex-shrink: 0; --unity-image: url('project://database/Assets/UI/CowboyAvatar.jpg?fileID=21300000&guid=0bfbcc7a51ecf47c3ac5d0c6c468a5f9&type=3#CowboyAvatar'); flex-basis: 64px;" /> <ui:VisualElement style="flex-grow: 1; padding-left: 8px;"> <ui:Label tabindex="-1" text="Label" parse-escape-sequences="true" display-tooltip-when-elided="true" name="info_name" style="margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 8px; margin-left: 0; padding-top: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-bottom: 0; padding-left: 0; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); -unity-font-style: bold; -unity-font: url('project://database/Assets/UI/Fonts/GOTHMBOL.TTF?fileID=12800000&guid=9224a44a0540b4c218d2a1780dfcf0cf&type=3#GOTHMBOL');" /> <ui:Label tabindex="-1" text="Actor Text" parse-escape-sequences="true" display-tooltip-when-elided="true" name="info_label" style="-unity-font: url('project://database/Assets/UI/Fonts/GOTHMBOK.TTF?fileID=12800000&guid=12981ab2246574a2fa52f10f8fe03d3e&type=3#GOTHMBOK'); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding-top: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-bottom: 0; padding-left: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; white-space: normal; font-size: 12px;" /> <ui:Label tabindex="-1" text="..." parse-escape-sequences="true" display-tooltip-when-elided="true" name="info_continue" style="align-self: flex-end; border-left-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-right-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-top-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-bottom-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; padding-top: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-bottom: 0; padding-left: 0;" /> </ui:VisualElement> </ui:VisualElement> <ui:VisualElement name="question_group" style="flex-grow: 1;"> <ui:Button text="Option 1" parse-escape-sequences="true" display-tooltip-when-elided="true" name="dialogue_button" class="option-button" /> </ui:VisualElement> </ui:GroupBox> </ui:VisualElement> <strong>Here is the code:</strong> using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NodeCanvas.DialogueTrees; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; namespace XCanvas { public class DialogueUGUI : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler { [System.Serializable] public class SubtitleDelays { public float characterDelay = 0.05f; public float sentenceDelay = 0.5f; public float commaDelay = 0.1f; public float finalDelay = 1.2f; } //Options... [Header("Input Options")] public bool skipOnInput; public bool waitForInput; //Group... [Header("Subtitles")] public UIDocument uiDocument; public string subtitlesGroupId; private VisualElement subtitlesGroup; public string actorSpeechId; private Label actorSpeech; public string actorNameId; private Label actorName; public string actorPortraitId; private Image actorPortrait; public string waitInputIndicatorId; private Label waitInputIndicator; public SubtitleDelays subtitleDelays = new SubtitleDelays(); public List typingSounds; private AudioSource playSource; //Group... [Header("Multiple Choice")] public string optionsGroupId; private VisualElement optionsGroup; public string optionButtonId; public Button optionButton; private Dictionary<Button, int> cachedButtons; private Vector2 originalSubsPosition; private bool isWaitingChoice; private AudioSource _localSource; private AudioSource localSource { get { return _localSource != null ? _localSource : _localSource = gameObject.AddComponent(); } } private bool anyKeyDown; public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) => anyKeyDown = true; void LateUpdate() => anyKeyDown = false; void Awake() { FindComponents(); Subscribe(); Hide(); } void OnEnable() { UnSubscribe(); Subscribe(); } void OnDisable() { UnSubscribe(); } void FindComponents() { var rootVisualElement = uiDocument.rootVisualElement; subtitlesGroup = rootVisualElement.Q(subtitlesGroupId); actorSpeech = rootVisualElement.Q<label>(actorSpeechId); actorName = rootVisualElement.Q<label>(actorNameId); actorPortrait = rootVisualElement.Q(actorPortraitId); waitInputIndicator = rootVisualElement.Q<label>(waitInputIndicatorId); optionsGroup = rootVisualElement.Q(optionsGroupId); optionButton = rootVisualElement.Q<button>(optionButtonId); }</button></label></label></label> void Subscribe() { DialogueTree.OnDialogueStarted += OnDialogueStarted; DialogueTree.OnDialoguePaused += OnDialoguePaused; DialogueTree.OnDialogueFinished += OnDialogueFinished; DialogueTree.OnSubtitlesRequest += OnSubtitlesRequest; DialogueTree.OnMultipleChoiceRequest += OnMultipleChoiceRequest; } void UnSubscribe() { DialogueTree.OnDialogueStarted -= OnDialogueStarted; DialogueTree.OnDialoguePaused -= OnDialoguePaused; DialogueTree.OnDialogueFinished -= OnDialogueFinished; DialogueTree.OnSubtitlesRequest -= OnSubtitlesRequest; DialogueTree.OnMultipleChoiceRequest -= OnMultipleChoiceRequest; } void Hide() { = DisplayStyle.None; = DisplayStyle.None; = DisplayStyle.None; = DisplayStyle.None; originalSubsPosition = subtitlesGroup.transform.position; } void OnDialogueStarted(DialogueTree dlg) { //nothing special... } void OnDialoguePaused(DialogueTree dlg) { = DisplayStyle.None; = DisplayStyle.None; StopAllCoroutines(); if ( playSource != null ) playSource.Stop(); } void OnDialogueFinished(DialogueTree dlg) { = DisplayStyle.None; = DisplayStyle.None; if ( cachedButtons != null ) { foreach ( var tempBtn in cachedButtons.Keys ) { if ( tempBtn != null ) { tempBtn.RemoveFromHierarchy(); } } cachedButtons = null; } StopAllCoroutines(); if ( playSource != null ) playSource.Stop(); } ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OnSubtitlesRequest(SubtitlesRequestInfo info) { StartCoroutine(Internal_OnSubtitlesRequestInfo(info)); } IEnumerator Internal_OnSubtitlesRequestInfo(SubtitlesRequestInfo info) { var text = info.statement.text; var audio =; var actor =; = DisplayStyle.Flex; // subtitlesGroup.position = originalSubsPosition; actorSpeech.text = ""; actorName.text =; = actor.dialogueColor; if (actor.portraitSprite != null) { = DisplayStyle.Flex; } actorPortrait.sprite = actor.portraitSprite; if ( audio != null ) { var actorSource = actor.transform != null ? actor.transform.GetComponent() : null; playSource = actorSource != null ? actorSource : localSource; playSource.clip = audio; playSource.Play(); actorSpeech.text = text; var timer = 0f; while ( timer < audio.length ) { if ( skipOnInput && anyKeyDown ) { playSource.Stop(); break; } timer += Time.deltaTime; yield return null; } } if ( audio == null ) { var tempText = ""; var inputDown = false; if ( skipOnInput ) { StartCoroutine(CheckInput(() => { inputDown = true; })); } for ( int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++ ) { if ( skipOnInput && inputDown ) { actorSpeech.text = text; yield return null; break; } if ( == DisplayStyle.None ) { yield break; } char c = text<em class="d4pbbc-italic"></em>; tempText += c; yield return StartCoroutine(DelayPrint(subtitleDelays.characterDelay)); PlayTypeSound(); if ( c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '?' ) { yield return StartCoroutine(DelayPrint(subtitleDelays.sentenceDelay)); PlayTypeSound(); } if ( c == ',' ) { yield return StartCoroutine(DelayPrint(subtitleDelays.commaDelay)); PlayTypeSound(); } actorSpeech.text = tempText; } if ( !waitForInput ) { yield return StartCoroutine(DelayPrint(subtitleDelays.finalDelay)); } } if ( waitForInput ) { = DisplayStyle.Flex; while ( !anyKeyDown ) { yield return null; } = DisplayStyle.None; } yield return null; = DisplayStyle.None; info.Continue(); } void PlayTypeSound() { if ( typingSounds.Count > 0 ) { var sound = typingSounds[Random.Range(0, typingSounds.Count)]; if ( sound != null ) { localSource.PlayOneShot(sound, Random.Range(0.6f, 1f)); } } } IEnumerator CheckInput(System.Action Do) { while ( !anyKeyDown ) { yield return null; } Do(); } IEnumerator DelayPrint(float time) { var timer = 0f; while ( timer < time ) { timer += Time.deltaTime; yield return null; } } ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OnMultipleChoiceRequest(MultipleChoiceRequestInfo info) { = DisplayStyle.Flex; cachedButtons = new Dictionary<Button, int>(); int i = 0; foreach ( KeyValuePair<IStatement, int> pair in info.options ) { var button = new Button(); = "button_" + pair.Value; button.text = pair.Key.text; button.ClearClassList(); foreach (var cls in optionButton.GetClasses()) { button.AddToClassList(cls); } optionsGroup.Add(button); // button. =; // var btn = (Button) Instantiate(optionButton); // btn.gameObject.SetActive(true); // btn.transform.SetParent(optionsGroup.transform, false); // btn.transform.localPosition = (Vector3)optionButton.transform.localPosition - new Vector3(0, buttonHeight * i, 0); // btn.GetComponentInChildren().text = pair.Key.text; cachedButtons.Add(button, pair.Value); button.RegisterCallback((evt) => { Finalize(info, cachedButtons); }); // button.clicked += () => { Finalize(info, cachedButtons); }; // btn.onClick.AddListener(() => { Finalize(info, cachedButtons[btn]); }); i++; } if ( info.showLastStatement ) { = DisplayStyle.Flex; // .gameObject.SetActive(true); // var newY = optionsGroup.position.y + optionsGroup.sizeDelta.y + 1; // subtitlesGroup.position = new Vector3(subtitlesGroup.position.x, newY, subtitlesGroup.position.z); } if ( info.availableTime > 0 ) { StartCoroutine(CountDown(info)); } } IEnumerator CountDown(MultipleChoiceRequestInfo info) { isWaitingChoice = true; var timer = 0f; while ( timer < info.availableTime ) { if ( isWaitingChoice == false ) { yield break; } timer += Time.deltaTime; SetMassAlpha(optionsGroup, Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, timer / info.availableTime)); yield return null; } if ( isWaitingChoice ) { Finalize(info, info.options.Values.Last()); } } void Finalize(MultipleChoiceRequestInfo info, int index) { isWaitingChoice = false; SetMassAlpha(optionsGroup, 1f); = DisplayStyle.None; = DisplayStyle.None; foreach ( var tempBtn in cachedButtons.Keys ) { tempBtn.RemoveFromHierarchy(); // Destroy(tempBtn.gameObject); } info.SelectOption(index); } void SetMassAlpha(VisualElement root, float alpha) { foreach ( var graphic in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren() ) { graphic.SetAlpha(alpha); } } } } |
Hello again.
Thank you. I will check this out.
I also removed the “fancy” editor from the forum so that now there is a “CODE” block that you can put the code inside and which code is formated correctly (this was always there and possible by putting code within quotes `, but it was not apparent, sorry).
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void SomeCode(string message) { Debug.Log(message); } |
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