There are occasions when I want to (normally within a state machine) wait for an event to occur, then fire off a behaviour tree but not actually care about that BT finishing (this might be expressed with a Sub-Tree within my FSM).
Is it possible to achieve this behaviour? The main motivation is such that I can react to an event to spawn a potentially long behaviour tree, but when the next event may occur before that tree has finished.
You can use the ‘SendEvent’ action and the ‘CheckEvent’ condition (found under the “Utility” category).
You can add the CheckEvent condition on a transition of state and the transition will happen when the event is send regardless of whether or not the ‘BT State’ is finished.
Are you refering to this type of events or something else?
Is the behaviour tree (BT) is a subtree or located in another game object(GO)? If the BT is in another GO, and you have reference of it. You could use GraphOwnerControl action. And you can choose if you want to wait for completion or not.
In case of a subtree, i dont know the solution though
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