Dynamic vars seemingly lost with incorrect type?

NodeCanvas Forums Support Dynamic vars seemingly lost with incorrect type?

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    I have a simple scenario where I get an axis change as a BBFloat and it is outputted, however then another sequence is hit and within there it uses it and it says it cannot find the dynamic var, and it also says the dataType is Single, which I guess is correct under the covers but it should be a BBFloat right?

    I would love to give you more of an example or a screenshot but I only just remembered and am on my other laptop, so off top of your head you ever seen anything like that happen before where you set a dynamic var in one action, consume it in another and its apparently vanished?


    Just something I have noticed in this, so in my scenario I am saving to a BBVector and BBFloat, so I have the following variable in my custom action:

    Then it is set using a dynamic var in the action window, lets say _myOutput, then I have another custom action which has the code to capture the input variable:

    However when this action is used and passed in _myOutput it throws the error:

    No VariableData of name ‘_myOutput’ and type ‘Single’ exists. Adding new instead…

    … LOL I think right this second I just realised whats going on here… there is possibly an issue elsewhere however this is just a logging output right? a debug var to say at the time of running there was no variable there, so it is now creating one…

    So this may not be an issue at all its just there is an issue in the logic somewhere and this debug message threw me off track…



    Well, yes.
    That log is simply a log to let you know what’s going on, it’s neither a warning nor an error. 🙂
    So at the exact time that you set the OutputValue.value, since it’s a dynamic variable, a new one is created on the blacboard since one with that name and of type float (single) doesn’t exist.

    So that log is shown when you ‘Set’ a non-existant / dynamic variable.

    The newely created variable is never really consumed somehow. It just stays on the blackboard for future use or overwrite just like a normal variable would.

    Hope this helps 🙂

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    Yeah I solved it, there was no problem with the vars just some logic further down the chain.

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