Since I use a lot of prefabs, the 1.6 changes to edit prefabs directly is a HUGE time saver 🙂
I am getting this error:
Setting the parent of a transform which resides in a prefab is disabled to prevent data corruption.
NodeCanvas.GraphOwner:GetInstance(Graph) (at Assets/NodeCanvas/Core/Graph/GraphOwner.cs:158)
NodeCanvas.StateMachines.FSMOwner:set_behaviour(Graph) (at Assets/NodeCanvas/Systems/FSM/FSMOwner.cs:15)
NodeCanvasEditor.GraphOwnerInspector:OnInspectorGUI() (at Assets/NodeCanvas/Core/Editor/GraphOwnerInspector.cs:86)
I have yet to find the exact repro case to make this happen. It has something to do with me selecting FSM prefab in the Project window while the game is running. I get this spammed and my Hierarchy window get filled with new instances of what I have selected. The selected item has an FSM.
This isn’t a blocking issue – as it only happens periodically while I’m messing with the editor and running.