Feature request: Insert task

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Feature request: Insert task

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  • #13945

    While working on a BT, I often want to insert a task somewhere in a action/condition list at a specific place in the list.
    Now I need to create the task and then drag it to the right place. It would be nice if there were some way of inserting a task directly after some other task. (Preferably without cluttering the interface ;-))


    Hey Tim,
    Thats a nice suggestion. I will see if its possible/easy to add this in the right click of existing tasks in the list for something like an “Insert Action”.

    Thanks 🙂

    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/97q2Rjh


    I just had another idea: keyboard shortcuts to copy/paste a task. Just click on the task in the task list, CTRL-C, click on another task CTRL-V and it will insert the task after that one.


    Hello again team and sorry for the late reply due to xmas vacation.

    That could also work, but because shortcuts can create conflicts with other GUI elements, I think that menus will be safer. I will give shortcuts a shot though.

    Thank you and happy new year 🙂

    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/97q2Rjh

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