windouws7 unity5.3.5
I use the built-in task.I also selected the task but didn’t see the gizmos.
using NodeCanvas.Framework;
using ParadoxNotion.Design;
using UnityEngine;
namespace NodeCanvas.Tasks.Conditions{
[Name(“Target In View Angle”)]
[Description(“Checks whether the target is in the view angle of the agent”)]
public class IsInFront : ConditionTask<Transform> {
public BBParameter<GameObject> checkTarget;
[SliderField(1, 180)]
public BBParameter<float> viewAngle = 70f;
protected override string info{
get {return checkTarget + ” in view angle”;}
The only reason that the gizmos of that specific task (as well as most of them) will not show, is when the ‘agent’ is null, since the agent is required to view the gizmos at the correct world coordinates.
The agent can be null, if for example you have set the agent to read from a blackboard variable which is null. In the image bellow, “myGameObject” variable on the blackboard is not yet set (null) and as a result in this case, the gizmos will not be shown. Otherwise the gizmos should show as expected.