Right now the _serializeGraph is just one giant string and can’t not be viewed for difference. This is kind of bad for source control. So is it possible format the json like this?
Even if it is possible for the json to be formatted like this as you know, the problem is that Unity will still serialize the string in it’s YAML format, as a long string, but rather this time with “\r” everywhere, like this: line1\r\nline2\r\nline3\r\nā¦ .
This is really something I would want to make it work like you suggest, but I can’t seem to find any way to tell Unity to keep the string nicely formatted, if even possible at all :/
We have a simple solution that can help. Firstly, you have to enable pretyJson in Graph.cs (_serializedGraph = this.Serialize(true, _objectReferences);). Secondly, in fsJsonPrinter.cs replace this lines(stream.WriteLine();) with this (stream.Write(“\n”)). This will make you Json string more readable. But you have to comment all this lines(InsertSpacing(stream, depth);). We could not combine spacings with new lines correctly. Maybe you can do it. Hope this helps.