The FSM is producing garbage with each transition, easiest way to reproduce is have two empty action states loop into each other with OnFinish condition. Of course, setting up like that makes no sense at all. I did add conditions, but the conditions change very often and I can see some garbage. Behaviour Tree with same end result doesn’t produce any garbage. So is this a bug, user error or a “feature”? I’d say it is a bug, as frontpage slider advertises zero GC.
Also Script Control -> Standalone only -> Execute Function & Check Function in FSM produce garbage. Check Function in BTree also produces garbage, but Execute Function doesn’t. I made sure the called functions are simple as possible so they themselves don’t go creating garbage.
Script access garbage can be circumvented with coding custom tasks and conditions for each case, but that sort of defeats the purpose of nodecanvas a bit. FSM state transition garbage I cannot circumvent at all, so that I consider biggest problem.