Full Undo/Redo

NodeCanvas Forums Announcements Full Undo/Redo

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  • #10344

    Well, finally full Undo/Redo is done!

    It took a while to make it there but the reason being that I wanted everything to be recorded for undo/redo and be as native to Unity as possible.

    Some other tools tend to record only the major changes that take place. While that is fine, it can get confusing when undoing if the last thing you change was for example a simple slider somewhere, but that slider wasn’t recorded. As a consequence, instead of undoing the slider change, a node move is undo-ed or even a node creation is undo-ed and you lose track.

    In NC every single move is recorded.
    Expect it in the next version along with some other goodies as well 🙂

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