GameObject (named '@autorun') references runtime script in scene file. Fixing!

NodeCanvas Forums Support GameObject (named '@autorun') references runtime script in scene file. Fixing!

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  • #13174

    hey there.. I “successfully” upgraded a big project from Unity 5.4.5 / NodeCanvas 2.6.2 to Unity 5.6.4 / NodeCanvas 2.8. I first upgradeded to 2.8 in Unity 5.4.5.. It was a total pain in the neck and there were a bunch of my (non-monobehavior) graph objects added to all the game objects that I had graphowners on. Unity would crash when saving the scene with any of those. so I had to manually delete them.. it couldn’t be done procedurally because you could query if they existed on a game object, but returning them as a component gave you a null. Anyway.. I’m mentioning this just for anyone who runs across this in the future.

    The problem I’m having now is that in one scene I’m seeing a ton of stuff like:

    GameObject (named '@autorun') references runtime script in scene file. Fixing!

    These warnings only show up when I recompile scripts. They don’t seem to affect things, but something probably isn’t 100% correct. Is there a way to nuke these?




    Hmm. Updating from NodeCanvas v2.6.2 to v2.8, shouldn’t have created such problems (but updating from even older version 2.6.0 should), since there was a big (and partially breaking) serialization change that took place at that time.

    The error log you posted GameObject (named '@autorun') references runtime script in scene file. Fixing! denotes that there is still a leftover “non-monobehaviour” graph object attached on some gameobject named “@autorun” (since that how it used to work back then), which needs to be removed manually for the reasons you mentioned (it appears as a null attached object due to Unity serialization change as well at Unity version 5.5, while it used to work fine in Unity version before v5.5).
    Does this only happens in that one particular scene?
    The offending gameobject could also be a prefab, so please do check your prefabs as well for such leftovers.
    The offending gameobject should normally get selected when you click the log line within the unity console.

    Please let me know.
    Thank you.

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    OK.. maybe it was pre 2.6.2 actually.. It was pre-5.5 nodecanvas serialization I was upgrading from? @autorun isn’t a prefab. I had previously fixed all the prefabs.. those actually showed “components” with my graph objects on them on the prefabs. I was able to remove them with “remove component” in the editor. manually.. hundreds of them 🙂 Until I did that, Unity would just crash when you saved the scene (but not when saving to another filename!). This scene was the exception.. but I went back to 5.4.5 and ran my utility script I wrote that would automatically bind and validate the graphs back to the graph owner objects. Then I exported a package with that scene and imported it back into 5.6.4. Thankfully most of those errors were gone except 8 of them. For those 8, the graph object “components” were hidden on objects that didn’t even have a graph owner component.. probably the designers copy and paste of unity game objects? So I manually recreated those objects and all seems to be working.. fingers crossed 🙂


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