General feedback on "Dynamic"

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion General feedback on "Dynamic"

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  • #12959

    There are many nodes that have a flag called ‘Dynamic’. While they are sort of similar in their implementation, I think they differ quite a lot semantically. In my project, I changed some of the texts to clarify what dynamic does. Parallel dynamic shows “REPEAT UNTIL”, conditional nodes show “WHILE” (to indicate that the condition is checked each update). I think you should consider renaming some of these “Dynamic” properties to clarify what they are doing. I think that will improve the learning curve for NodeCanvas.



    Hmm. The “Dynamic” option, is generally used to denote that “Whatever the nodes does, it will do repetitively, without the need to wait for the children to complete”.
    Thus, in the case of nodes where conditions are relevant for example, this means that these conditions will repetitively be checked.

    I agree though, that the Parallel node specifically, could work better with the option named “Repeat” instead of “Dynamic”. I will change that. Do you have any other name suggestions for the other nodes more specifically?

    Thank you.

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