Sorry for all the posts, got one more! I just finished implementing a multi-phase boss fight with NodeCanvas, which was a great way to really feel it out and also left me with a few questions:
1) Is there a way to shortcut to a certain state in an FSM while it’s running? For example, in a long boss fight, being able to jump around to different states while it’s playing. Comparable to Playmaker’s ability to set Inspector Events (, or to alt-click on a transition to instantly activate it (
2) In an FSM, how do I call ExecuteFunction on a ScriptableObject? And how do I CheckUnityEvent on a ScriptableObject?
3) Is there a way to copy and paste individual Actions within a single Action Task node? Also is there a way to copy/paste an individual Action from one single Action Task node to another?
Also some suggestions:
– When selecting a method for the ExecuteFunction action, if the method is too long you can’t see all the arguments. For example, Physics2D.OverlapCircleNonAlloc is a super long name and you can’t see the arguments so you’re not sure which one you’re selecting.
– Another thing I got used to with playmaker, but it would be so awesome if there were back/forward arrows to breadcrumb between recently viewed graphs
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