General purpose visual programming

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion General purpose visual programming

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  • #9165


    You are welcome 🙂

    You can certainly use an FSM like you originaly thought, for progressing the states of the quest, based on some conditional transitions, even branching the quest for that matter if it is non linear.
    Then, from within each state you can call almost any kind of function (instance or static) of your own code for possibly updating the game world based on the current quest state.

    For the above, each Quest can be implemented with an FSM (which starts as disabled at start of game). Then when the Quest is “accepted” you can Start the FSM behaviour with a single StartBehaviour() call.

    Finaly, by default, when the FSM reaches a state without any other outgoing transitions, it stops itself automaticaly, at which point you can also get a callback to do some finalization in your code.

    So, yeah 🙂 I think FSMs are a great way to create such a quest system.
    And you can also use the Dialogue System included in NodeCanvas as a bonus to that 🙂

    So for this specific task, I recomend NodeCanvas over FlowCanvas.


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    Thanks! You’re doing a great job with NodeCanvas!


    Thanks! 🙂

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