Global blackboards ignored for variables when no agent/local blackboard assigned

NodeCanvas Forums Support Global blackboards ignored for variables when no agent/local blackboard assigned

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    Hi! I’ve just bought NodeCanvas and I’m currently evaluating approaches how to integrate FSMs into our game (which is based on Unity5). I’d like to use them to visually script different actions in our game but I’m running into some usability issues.
    First of all, not everything of our game is contained in a single scene, so I have to rely heavily on the use of blackboards to remember stuff which needs to be passed between FSMs. I’m also trying to use FSMs in a “headless” mode, where they don’t have any agent or local blackboard assigned and they just operate on several global blackboards.
    Now when I have a FSM where no blackboard or local agent is assigned I can’t pick references from global blackboards (even though they are existing in the currently opened scene in the editor). The only thing I get is a text input where I have to type in the reference to the blackboard variable manually (like “DoorActionBlackboard/Door”). This is cumbersome and when I give this to our game designers, they’d be rather unhappy to remember blackboard and variable names.
    Also I guess some Actions don’t support global blackboards, e.g. “Execute Function”. Even though I properly configure the type of the call target, it won’t show me the global blackboards in the dropdown at all.

    My question is if this is by design (because of some limitations I’m currently not aware of?) or can this be fixed?



    >>Also I guess some Actions don’t support global blackboards, e.g. “Execute Function”
    I had this one too, to make it work, I need to adapt “OnNodeInspectorGUI” inside same script as well.


    Hello and sorry for late reply.

    The newly submited version will now list global blackboard variables within the dropdown for selecting target override agent. Is that what you mean by some tasks don’t support global blackboard? 🙂

    I’ve also gone ahead and changed the UI, so that now you will be able to select a variable through the dropdown even in a “headless” mode as you call instead of showing the textfield. Of course, the only valid option this way is to select a global blackboard variable (or manual/dynamic)

    I will also try and improve the global blackboard workflow in the next version 🙂


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