In the process of updating our project from Unity 4 (yes we’re late, haha) to Unity 5 and all good to go, but when I hit Update Project to 2.6.2, my Unity Editor freezes up and crashes. Tried this via the “Update Project” button on a graph and also via the “Tools> ParadoxNotion>NodeCanvas>Update Project to Version 2.6.2+” dropdown in a fresh new scene.
Any idea what may be causing this? I’m on Unity 5.5.0f3.
Also attempted with a fresh install of NodeCanvas and FlowCanvas. Still get a crash after the second “Importing Small Assets” window show. Currently at a loss here as we can’t access any of our graphs unless we can upgrade this. Is there a manual way to “upgrade” to 2.6.2?
Can you please try doing the following?
0) Open a new empty scene.
1) Temporary disable “Auto Refresh” in Unity “Edit/Preferences/General”.
2) Set Unity “Project Settings/Editor/Asset Serialization Mode” to “Force Text” if not already.
3) Open up GraphOwner.cs and comment out line #302, reading: EditorApplication.delayCall += ()=>{ AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(graph)); };
4) Preferably try the updater in any version before Unity 5.5 please.
5) Considering all goes well, save project and re-enable “Auto-Refresh”.
Please let me know if that will work. If it still don’t and you want so, I can manually update your project if you are willing to send it to me for your convenience. Just let me know.
Thank you.
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