[Help] i need to access a list in my script, but its not showing in blackboard

NodeCanvas Forums Support [Help] i need to access a list in my script, but its not showing in blackboard

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  • #15643

    i have this script for my cooldowns. I’m trying to check if an id or item is still in this list. I usually use

    public bool Check_If_Skill_Is_OnCoolDown(int id)

    { return coolDownSystem.IsOnCoolDown(id); }

    how can I add this coolDown list to nodeCanvas???

    using System;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using UnityEngine;


    public class CoolDownSystem : MonoBehaviour


    public List<CoolDownData> coolDowns = new List<CoolDownData>();

    private void Update() => ProcessCoolDowns();


    public void PutOnCoolDown(IHasCoolDown coolDown)


    coolDowns.Add(new CoolDownData (coolDown));


    public bool IsOnCoolDown(int id)


    foreach(CoolDownData coolDown in coolDowns)


    if(coolDown.Id == id) { return true; }


    return false;



    public float GetRemainingDuration (int id)


    foreach (CoolDownData coolDown in coolDowns)


    if (coolDown.Id != id) { continue; }

    return coolDown.RemainingTime;


    return 0f;




    private void ProcessCoolDowns()


    float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;

    for (int i = coolDowns.Count – 1; i >= 0; i–)










    public class CoolDownData


    public CoolDownData (IHasCoolDown coolDown)


    Id = coolDown.Id;

    RemainingTime = coolDown.CoolDownDuration;


    public int Id { get; }

    public float RemainingTime { get; private set; }


    public bool DecrementCoolDown(float deltaTime)


    RemainingTime = Mathf.Max(RemainingTime – deltaTime, 0f);

    return RemainingTime == 0.0f;






    Do you mean you want to add a Blackboard variable that is data bound to the List field?
    If so, then by selecting “Add Variable” in blackboard, it will show under “Bound(Self)/ColldownSystem/cooldowns”. Please note that CooldownSystem component should be attached on the same gameobject as the blackboard.
    If you mean something different please let me know.

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