I just tried making an IL2CPP build with Unity 5.4.0f3.
For some reason I get null reference exceptions – more than that I can’t see from the debug output that the IL2CPP build gives me.
When I deactivate all the NodeCanvas related stuff, the IL2CPP build works fine with no exceptions, that’s why I’m asking here.
The Mono build is working just fine with all the NodeCanvas stuff enabled, no exceptions.
Having searched a bit online, I suspect it’s an IL2CPP bug even though I will keep digging.
I am just wondering though of the reason you don’t want to use Mono backend, which is more stable and battle tested than IL2CPP?
I will do more tests regarding this now that I back from vacation though.
ok thanks.
Well, we’re not that close to launching a game yet, but just wanted to check how the game works with IL2CPP enabled. It must be somewhat stable if Unity announces official support for Android and the earlier you encounter bugs the better (for sending bug reports to the necessary parties).
Also IL2CPP should be faster (in certain cases) and obviously brings leads to better code obfuscation than plain C#.
just tested again using Unity 5.4.1p2 and I get this error message: <b>Graph Error:</b> ‘Infinite Loop. Please check for other errors that may have caused this in the log.’ On node ‘Interrupt’ ID 1 | On graph ‘AI Main’.
I can’t see from my graph what could be wrong there and when I open the graph asset with a text editor I can’t find a node with the ID 1.
it’s not that easy since I can’t extract it that easily. It has lots of other nested Graphs and custom nodes.
Though I did delete everything except for the first node which is an interceptor and ended up having other NodeCanvas related error messages.
This is kind of a tedious process since everything is working fine with the Mono build and the IL2CPP build takes a long time.
Question: Have you tried any “more complicated” graphs with IL2CPP on Android lately? I don’t really have time right now to investigate this much further even though it would be very interesting to know if NodeCanvas works properly with IL2CPP, especially thinking about the suitability of NodeCanvas for our current project.
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