Is Odin Serialization Current Prioritization?

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Is Odin Serialization Current Prioritization?

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    My partner and I have been loving NodeCanvas. Have seen on the forums that there are plans to switch to Odin serialization. This would be a huge help in our project but were curious if you could give us a really rough timeline of when this plans to happen.

    We are looking into using NodeCanvas for a few more things, but are thinking we might wait until the switch occurs.

    Any additional information on whats next for NodeCanvas and when it might come out would really help us.

    Thanks so much for the amazing work!



    Thank you. I am glad you like NodeCanvas 🙂
    Just out of curiosity, what more precisely stops you from using NodeCanvas now, that would otherwise not be a problem when the Odin Serializer is implemented? 🙂 When Odin is implemented anyway, the transition will be seamless from the currently using Full Serializer.
    With that said, Odin implementation is scheduled for version 3, thus it might be a while before it arrives.

    Let me know.
    Thank you.

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    Currently we are much more familiar with Odin. This includes it’s drawer creations system and attributes, as well as it’s limitations.

    Were hoping / thinking these things would carry over when the switch is made.

    Thanks in advance!



    Just to clarify, Odin Serializer and Odin Inspector are not exactly the same thing (even though obviously Odin Inspector uses Odin Serializer).
    The first step of the implementation of Odin, would be the serializer only, thus replace FullSerializer with Odin Serializer.
    I can not tell for a fact right now though, that when the serialization system is replaced with Odin, that inspector related things like drawers, attributes, etc, will carry over although it is very likely since serialization and inspection work close to each other. It remains to be seen though 🙂


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