Global Events via global blackboard cannot be sent and received. Below are the steps to reproduce. if I don’t use the global blackboard string variable but the correct event name string in the send event action and check event condition – everything is working as expected.
I have created a new project with unity 2018.4.11 and added nodecanvas 3. Tested on windows 10. Unity Pro. I have also created the same with an older NodeCanvas version – everything is working as expected.
steps to reproduce:
– Global Blackboard with string event1=”anEvent”
– Create Check event
– trigger event (example by a button click)
when entering play mode: Error “A required BBParameter field value named ‘eventName’ is not set.”
In the image you’ve posted, the Variable name for the event is red. That basically means that it is not set correctly (which is also what the error in the console is about) and does not really have to do with events specifically.
Can you please confirm that your Global Blackboard “Identifier” name (as seen in the Global Blackboard inspector) is actually named “GlobalVars”?
thanks for your quick response! yes it’s strange why its red. its a string which has a value – in UnityEditor everything looks correct – the name of the blackboard is correct and is GlobalVars. in Playmode it becomes red.
I am experiencing the same issue with the Node Canvas 3 (Unity 2019.2.17). I also use a global variable blackboard to store my event names and some of my FSM’s lose their connection to the global variable after hitting play.
I was able to reproduce that. It is basically a problem with the execution order. To fix this quickly, please add “GlobalBlackboard” in the Unity “Script Execution Order” at any time BEFORE “Default Time”. I will of course try to fix this without the need to do this.