Hi there – new to Node Canvas but not new to FSM design. Love the tool so far – I can see myself using this extensively for level logic and dialogue, etc. (if only I could figure this issue out!)
I’ve come across a situation in that if I’ve got an FSM that has an action node with “Start Dialogue” in an ActionList, the reference to the Dialogue Tree being used is reset to NULL upon entering/exiting play mode.
The same occurs with collider references upon closing and re-opening the scene.
I’ve created a simple FSM that should outline the issue. Am I doing something wrong here?
I’m using NodeCanvas v 2.5.6, and Unity 5.3.5f1. Note – unity package was too large with the debug assets I added, so I’ve included the FSM on it’s own.
In the scene, there are two colliders and a simple dialogue tree that are referenced by the FSM.
Thanks. I am glad you like NodeCanvas 🙂
If the FSM is not Bound, but rather an asset file reference, then scene object references won’t persist. This is typical in how Unity works (Assets can’t have scene object references).
There are two ways around this though:
1. You can Bind the FSM to the FSMOwner using the Bind button. Doing this, will make the FSM local and saved with the gameobject and as such possible to have scene object references.
2. You can use Blackboard Variables instead of direct reference assignments. Since Blackboard is a component on the FSMOwner gameobject and not an asset, it CAN have scene object references.
Please let me know if indeed the FSM is an asset reference (no Bound) in your case and if the above works for you.
Thanks again.
Hi, thank you for the great explanation and prompt response!
Now I understand what’s going on. Apologies if this is covered in the documentation – I must admit, I haven’t delved as deeply as I probably should have. Glad to see that with bound graphs one can still import/export as well – this is a very important feature for our purposes.
I will head back to the books here spend the time with your documentation that it deserves.
Thanks again – looking forward to being able to get up to speed and start contributing to the seemingly active community here. I am very happy to see an asset store asset with such support and momentum behind it – great work!