Uhm, why doesn’t nested FSM/FlowScript use parameters (like actions can take parameters)? Right now I have to create nodes for the specific use of setting variables before calling the nested FSM/FlowScript?
Also, do they *have* to share blackboard with the parent? Can’t they use a local one instead?
I mean, it’s entirely possible that you could have a complicated FSM/FlowScript, but that doesn’t mean you should fill up the parent blackboard with junk.
I am already working on an improvement to allow nested graphs to use local blackboards possible to parametrize through the Nested node in the parent graph. This is already possible and is done in Dialogue Tree if you take a look, but it’s just not yet implemented for BTs, FSMs and FlowScripts. The reason for that, is mostly due to backwards compatibility, so the real challenge for me here is to make this implementation while also keeping backwards compatible.
I hope it’s ready soon though.
Is this already released?
We probably have to use a FSM which constists out of 8 sub FSM where each one of these again consist possibly out of sub FSMs 🙂
We wanna use BBparameters for all the references, as it seems the way to go and you can’t do otherwise with sub FSMs anyway.
Unfortunately this “feature” is heavily postponed due to keeping projects backwards compatible, but it IS the most requested feature and as such I would really need to add soon 🙂
Until then, Global BBs, is indeed a nice way around this! 🙂