I’m evaluating Unity FSM plugins before getting one.
First of all, I’d be glad to have your opinion on NodeCanvas as users, and what made you come to this one particularly(for those who tried other ones).
And on a more technical side, I understand that you can make nested FSMs, but can you use one multiple times at different places?
Since I am the developer of NodeCanvas I can’t answer your first question unbiased. As such, please consider joining the discord channel if you want to hear the opinion of some of the other users 🙂
Regarding your second question however, yes. You can use one made FSM asset multiple times at different places 🙂
I’m using NodeCanvas for 3 years now. Started as Student (making my diploma project with it), now I develope Big apps for Big company and I suggested them NodeCanvas. We are now 2 teams using it !
It’s a very nice tool. Never tested other tools, because this one satisfy me. Maybe Playmaker is good too, it’s like the other side of the force no ?
Gavalakis is very responsive and all time very friendly ! The tool is very versatil and has a good support. The v3.0.x is a major update.
I came up because I was searching a good tool for FSM when I was student, and this one was not too Big tool (“hello, we can go for FSM, but hey we can also code in it, and hey it as API for Facebook tooo…” this sort of tool.. you know). And never ended up to search something else.
It has clear API, clear code you can modify if you need Big BIG BIIIIG performance (I have something to say to you Gavalakis, for next Update :p), clear principals : Graph is a general idea, FSM are particular graph. You can reuse FSM in BehaviourTree and BehaviourTree in FSM.
Go for it ! More we are, and more the tool become a part of professionnal tool used in our industry 🙂
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