I must be missing something, because I can’t find a simple way within a sequence to have a selector that will run it’s nested sequences forever until either a certain amount of time passes, or a condition becomes true. I’ve found a workaround, but is there a simpler way? You can see my current solution in the attachment, where the section that’s in the red box is what I want to run only at that point in the main sequence, for a period of time, and then move on to the next item in the sequence.
You can see that I added an Invert -> Timeout -> Repeat Forever before my Selector to get the behavior that I wanted.
What is a better way to do this?
(Yes, I have made my own tasks and conditions, but they are irrelevant to this question)
Hmm. Considering I understood what you want to do correctly, I think this is THE solution to that. 🙂
One convenient change that I could add I think, is for the Timeout Decorator, to select in the inspector what Status to return instead of always returning Failure as it stands now. This way, you wouldn’t need the Invert Decorator for example.
Another thing you can do to make the tree more tidy, is probably to use the Conditional Decorator instead of Sequencer->Condition, Action, like this:
Please let me know if you have any suggestions that would help you.