No Super Action when drag-create node

NodeCanvas Forums Support No Super Action when drag-create node

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  • #10755

    In a FSM graph, there’s only an option for an ‘Action’ node when click-dragging to a new node. It should show Super Action as well (I think!)

    Thanks for all the updates, Node/Flow Canvas are really great!


    Thanks as well 🙂

    I haven’t added Super State in that menu, because I think that it is quite special and wanted to make working with the normal state more of the default way to go 🙂 I could easily add that, but I kind of prefer not as a design choice. New people may think that the Super State is better and start placing super state for every state which is not really desirable or better than the normal state.

    Thanks again!

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    Understood! I actually started thinking about why none of the other options are in that menu, but what you said makes sense.

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