Getting odd issue at the moment. The node inspector on the top left hand corner of the editor is missing when i click on nodes on my macbook pro 15″. On my desktop machine it works fine.
I tried clearing editor prefs in case i accidentally turned it off but to no avail…
Thats odd indeed. Can you confirm that it’s not just minimized by accidentaly clicking the title of the node inspector? Of course that means that the inspector shows even if minimized.
I really haven’t yet found why this might be happening on your mac latop 🙁
I havent been reported such error from other people and don’t yet have a mac laptop to test.
Will check over at a friend of mine in the comming days and let you know.
I just realized something.
Could it be that you have “Extrnal Inspector” tab open somewhere?
If the External Inspector is tab is open somewhere, the node inspector will show within it and not within the Graph Editor.
The external inspector is the one that can be open through “Windows/NodeCanvas/External Inspector”.
i have the same problem using unity 5.2 and nodecanvas last version from store, i had external inspector opened, i closed it revert factory settings windows, restarted unity but my editor still display empty gray box when i select an action
I turned on the external inspector and it triggered the node inspector inline in the nodecanvas view to show again if that helps. Nice workaround for now too!