NodeCanvas into "Standard Assets"

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion NodeCanvas into "Standard Assets"

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  • #8854


    We are trying to move third party plugins such as NodeCanvas into the “Standard Assets” directory in an attempt to reduce compile times down for our game as it is reaching an unacceptable amount of time for devs. Its wasteful to have 3rd party code be recompiled each time when we rarely if ever change it.

    I tried placing NodeCanvas in there but got compile errors.

    I think maybe its difficult to do this for NodeCanvas as there is a few “Editor” directories inline as well as some Editor inspector code in the actual framework in the BehaviourTree Nodes.

    Do you think it is feasible to restructure the project to be able to go into Standard Assets and is this something you have ever considered?

    Thanks for reading.



    The error is not about moving NodeCanvas folder into “Standard Assets”, but rather for having selected Web Player as build option. I forgot to place derectives in this part.
    Please open up GraphInspector.cs and place the contents of the method ShowJsonImportExport (where the errors show), within:

    You will no more see the errors and be able to have NodeCanvas in Standard Assets as well.

    BUT, you will have a problem with the Inspectors, because Unity requires that the inspector scripts are placed directly under an ‘Editor’ folder that is placed under “Standard Assets”. I might have to rethink the folder structure for that.


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    Ah i see! Thanks.

    Yeah for us it would be great if we could move into Standard Assets. Something to consider for a future version anyway 🙂

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