Using Unity 2021.1.26f1 I created a Blackboard asset, selected it and clicked on “Add Variable”. The popup window opened and stated “Loading…” indefinetely with a nullref error logged to console.
I fixed this quickly by going into EditorUtils.ContextMenus.cs:
public static MenuItemInfo[] GetMenuItems(GenericMenu menu) {
var itemField = typeof(GenericMenu).GetField(“m_MenuItems”, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var items = itemField.GetValue(menu) as IList;
Apparently GenericMenu “menuItem” is no longer a field and thus “m_MenuItems” needs to be used. In addition, it’s not an ArrayList but a List<GenericMenu.MenuItem>. I cast it as IList since MenuItem seems to be a private type. As far as I can tell this restores the blackboard functionality.
Yes, adding variables to a GlobalBlackboard asset is working now. 😉
Interestingly Asset Store still listed “Sep 20th” as latest release, but I re-installed anyway and importer checked several files as changed.
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