NodeCanvas nullref in Blackboard Asset => Add Variable

NodeCanvas Forums Support NodeCanvas nullref in Blackboard Asset => Add Variable

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  • #15963
    deprecated person

    Using Unity 2021.1.26f1 I created a Blackboard asset, selected it and clicked on “Add Variable”. The popup window opened and stated “Loading…” indefinetely with a nullref error logged to console.

    I fixed this quickly by going into EditorUtils.ContextMenus.cs:

            public static MenuItemInfo[] GetMenuItems(GenericMenu menu) {

    var itemField = typeof(GenericMenu).GetField(“m_MenuItems”, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

    var items = itemField.GetValue(menu) as IList;

    Apparently GenericMenu “menuItem” is no longer a field and thus “m_MenuItems” needs to be used. In addition, it’s not an ArrayList but a List<GenericMenu.MenuItem>. I cast it as IList since MenuItem seems to be a private type. As far as I can tell this restores the blackboard functionality.


    Hello and thank you for the post.

    This has been fixed in the latest version that is now live on the asset store. (The version number is the same because it was a very minor change).

    Can you please update and confirm?


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    deprecated person

    Yes, adding variables to a GlobalBlackboard asset is working now. 😉
    Interestingly Asset Store still listed “Sep 20th” as latest release, but I re-installed anyway and importer checked several files as changed.


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