Nodes resize while zooming out

NodeCanvas Forums Support Nodes resize while zooming out

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  • #12958

    Nodes have the tendency to become larger when zooming out. This is quite annoying as I end up spending more time positioning the nodes. Would it be possible to trigger the auto-resize only when changing the contents/settings of a node? (Some other solution would be fine as well)

    Related to this: Would it be possible to get some sort of auto-layout for the whole tree? I think that would be very useful in many cases. I know it would be hard to make it 100% useful for everyone in all cases, but any auto layout could help reducing the time spent on positioning the nodes.



    I am not sure I understand what you mean by “getting larger when zooming out” 😛
    Can you please show me gif/video or anything similar showing this? I’ve honestly never seen that happen or been reported of this happening before.

    As a side note, yes some kind of “auto-layout” is something that I would also like to implement, hopefully soon 🙂

    Let me know.

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    Here’s an example: or
    I’m zooming out and then back in. The nodes have become wider as a result.


    Yeah, I can see that. Super weird though. Never seen that before personally, nor have anyone else reported this before :/
    Can you please tell me the exact version of Unity you are using, as well as the OS you are under?

    Thank you.

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    I’m currently using Unity 2017.3.0f3, though I have seen it in a previous 2017 version as well. Perhaps it started when I updated to NodeCanvas 2.7.0? I haven’t tried upgrading to 2.8.0 yet. I’m developing on Windows 10 Home and macOS High Sierra 10.13.3. Both installations have this issue.


    Hello again and sorry for the late reply due to Eastern vacation.

    Thanks for the follow up.
    Using Unity v2017.3.0f3 and NodeCanvas v2.8.0 on Windows 10 here and the problem does not exists.
    I will check NodeCanvas 2.7.0 once again to confirm, although I don’t remember ever seeing this.
    I will let you know once I am back and tested.


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    Hi Gavalakis,

    I have finally tested v2.8.0 myself in a completely new project in Unity v2017.3.0f3 (on Windows 10).
    The issue is still there. See
    To me it looks like the font size of the text is updated out of sync with the size of the nodes. Nodes start off fitting their text exactly. Then, as the node shrinks as I zoom out, the text is not resized with the same factor and the node’s actual width is changed to accommodate. I hope you’ll have another look at this, as it’s still one of my main issues with the plugin. (And I get the same issue on my Macbook as well)



    Hello again,

    Thanks for the follow up and testing.

    The text jittering going on is indeed something that first happened on Unity 2017 and does not happen in Unity 5.6 which I am working most of the time (for backwards compatibility). It looks like Unity changed something in the way the GUI is scaled.

    After taking a closer look in Unity 2017, it indeed seems like this problem occurs. It just appears to be far smaller offset in some cases and this is why I initially didn’t even notice!
    So, this is now something that I have to fix.. 🙂

    Thanks again for your reports.

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