[NOT EXPECTED] Default sub graph variable

NodeCanvas Forums Support [NOT EXPECTED] Default sub graph variable

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  • #15392


    I found something particularly anoying. When you don’t set variable writeIn for a subGraph. Default value are not set on entering subgraph. This is not annoying for normal use of NodeCanvas. But In our project we use graph pooling, and I really expected default value will be set again on entering sub graph.

    For the moment if I writeIn value for subGraph, I have to check if any other subgraph node are not with default value. because it keep previous writeIn values during Gameplay.

    Can I modify the code easily, so default value are set back when I don’t specify writeIn value for nestedFSm/NestedBT ?


    I fixed it, by just creating variable map in every case (with read && write to false too). And not checking if write is active to actually write the value.

    I really think it’s the expected behaviour when you see grey default variable in the inspector. You think these values will be in the subGraph on entering it. Maybe you can add a sub mode, like “WriteDefaultIn” for people which doesn’t have my use case.


    Tell me what you think ! (and yes, I’m working on SpongeBob: Patty Pursuit again, so see you more on the forum !)


    Hello again 🙂

    Just to clarify, do you mean that you expect the default value to always be the same whenever the subgraph is executed (so the value is reset to the initial one every time), in case WriteIn is not enabled ?

    If so, I could add this (as an option or not) by storing the default value (in BBMappingParameter class) and restore to that value with some method call whenever the subgraph starts.

    This might be a good time to do that since I was already working on that part to make WriteOut be continuously synced, instead of only when the subgraph stops as it is now.

    Let me know what you think.


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    I mean exactly what you said.

    Write default value in every case when the graph start if there is no WriteIn selected.


    But an option is good too. Just be sure it s clear.


    And yeah constinuous readout will empower subgraph by a lot. Was frustrated too to see I can t check with condition my local subgraph variable. If now possible it will be so cooool.

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