NodeCanvas Forums › Support › PauseBehavior() doesn't seem to work
So, I want to be able to play and pause a behavior tree from another behavior tree and vice versa. I have two behaviour tree owners on a single gameobject and have the instances stored in a BTManager script on that gameobject. This works fine and is in the code that is attached. I am able to pause/play a BehaviorTree and it shows as such in the inspector (the play/pause button change), but the tree that is supposed to pause doesn’t pause. However, if I use “stopbehaviour()” that works fine… Thoughts?
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using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using NodeCanvas.Framework; using NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees; public class BTManager : MonoBehaviour { public BehaviourTreeOwner mainTreeOwner; public BehaviourTreeOwner secondaryTreeOwner; void Start() { List myOwner = new List(this.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren()); if(myOwner[0]==null){ Debug.LogError("No Behaviour Tree Owners"); return; } if(myOwner.Count <2){ Debug.LogError("No Secondary Tree Owner"); return; } mainTreeOwner = myOwner[0]; secondaryTreeOwner = myOwner[1]; } public void PauseMainTree() { if(!mainTreeOwner.isPaused){ mainTreeOwner.PauseBehaviour(); Debug.Log("Pause Main Tree"); } else Debug.Log("Can't Pause Main Tree"); } public void StartMainTree() { if(mainTreeOwner.isPaused){ mainTreeOwner.StartBehaviour(); Debug.Log("Start Main Tree"); } else Debug.Log("Can't Start Main Tree"); } public void PauseSecondaryTree() { if(!secondaryTreeOwner.isPaused){ secondaryTreeOwner.PauseBehaviour(); Debug.Log("Pause Secondary Tree"); Debug.Log ("2ndary Tree isRunning: " + secondaryTreeOwner.isRunning); } else Debug.Log("Can't Pause Secondary Tree"); } public void StartSecondaryTree() { if(secondaryTreeOwner.isPaused){ secondaryTreeOwner.StartBehaviour(); Debug.Log("Start Secondary Tree"); Debug.Log ("2ndary Tree isRunning: " + secondaryTreeOwner.isRunning); } else Debug.Log("Can't Start Secondary Tree"); } } |
functions that I can call from within a behavior tree to pause/play particular trees.
and iterated through them using a Behavior Tree Manager script so that each one is held in a separate script so that I can pause and play them from the manager. I created a “pause” and “play” function that I can call
I just tried your script here and Pausing the behaviour trees works fine. I mean they actually get paused apart from the icon showning them paused in the inspector.
To test it by the way, I just added this in your script:
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void Update(){ if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)){ PauseSecondaryTree(); } } |
Does doing the above not work for you?
(PS: Sorry for the code formatting bug. It’s now fixed)
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That does work. 🙂
It seems like you can pause/unpause once, but after that first time it doesn’t work anymore…
Do you see that as well?
The way I did this is I put the BT manager in a parent object with a BTOwner. It had the following tree.
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{ "version": 2.29999995231628, "type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.BehaviourTree", "name": "Pause_Parent", "comments": "", "translation": { "x": -4637.30908203125, "y": -4928.890625 }, "zoomFactor": 0.964719712734222, "nodes": [ { "dynamic": false, "random": false, "_collapsed": false, "_position": { "x": 5490.0, "y": 5190.0 }, "_name": null, "_tag": null, "_comment": null, "_isBreakpoint": false, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.Sequencer", "$id": "2" }, { "policy": "FirstFailure", "dynamic": false, "_collapsed": false, "_position": { "x": 5490.0, "y": 5295.0 }, "_name": null, "_tag": null, "_comment": null, "_isBreakpoint": false, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.Parallel", "$id": "3" }, { "dynamic": false, "random": false, "_collapsed": false, "_position": { "x": 5400.0, "y": 5385.0 }, "_name": null, "_tag": null, "_comment": null, "_isBreakpoint": false, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.Sequencer", "$id": "4" }, { "_action": { "waitTime": { "_value": 3.0, "_name": null }, "finishStatus": "Success", "_isActive": true, "overrideAgent": null, "$type": "NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions.Wait", "$id": "6" }, "_collapsed": false, "_position": { "x": 4995.0, "y": 5490.0 }, "_name": null, "_tag": null, "_comment": null, "_isBreakpoint": false, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.ActionNode", "$id": "5" }, { "_action": { "method": { "_returnInfo": "System.Void", "_baseInfo": "BTManager|PauseSecondaryTree", "_paramsInfo": "", "$id": "10" }, "parameters": [], "returnValue": { "_type": "System.Object", "_value": null, "_name": null, "$id": "12" }, "_isActive": true, "overrideAgent": null, "$type": "NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions.ExecuteFunction_Multiplatform", "$id": "9" }, "_collapsed": false, "_position": { "x": 5115.0, "y": 5490.0 }, "_name": null, "_tag": null, "_comment": null, "_isBreakpoint": false, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.ActionNode", "$id": "8" }, { "_action": { "waitTime": { "_value": 3.0, "_name": null }, "finishStatus": "Success", "_isActive": true, "overrideAgent": null, "$type": "NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions.Wait" }, "_collapsed": false, "_position": { "x": 5310.0, "y": 5490.0 }, "_name": null, "_tag": null, "_comment": null, "_isBreakpoint": false, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.ActionNode", "$id": "13" }, { "_action": { "method": { "_returnInfo": "System.Void", "_baseInfo": "BTManager|StartSecondaryTree", "_paramsInfo": "", "$id": "18" }, "parameters": [], "returnValue": { "_type": "System.Object", "_value": null, "_name": null, "$id": "20" }, "_isActive": true, "overrideAgent": null, "$type": "NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions.ExecuteFunction_Multiplatform", "$id": "17" }, "_collapsed": false, "_position": { "x": 5460.0, "y": 5490.0 }, "_name": null, "_tag": null, "_comment": null, "_isBreakpoint": false, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.ActionNode", "$id": "16" }, { "_action": { "waitTime": { "_value": 3.0, "_name": null }, "finishStatus": "Success", "_isActive": true, "overrideAgent": null, "$type": "NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions.Wait", "$id": "22" }, "_collapsed": false, "_position": { "x": 5640.0, "y": 5490.0 }, "_name": null, "_tag": null, "_comment": null, "_isBreakpoint": false, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.ActionNode", "$id": "21" } ], "connections": [ { "_infoExpanded": true, "_sourceNode": { "$ref": "2" }, "_targetNode": { "$ref": "3" }, "_isActive": true, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.BTConnection" }, { "_infoExpanded": true, "_sourceNode": { "$ref": "3" }, "_targetNode": { "$ref": "4" }, "_isActive": true, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.BTConnection" }, { "_infoExpanded": true, "_sourceNode": { "$ref": "4" }, "_targetNode": { "$ref": "5" }, "_isActive": true, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.BTConnection" }, { "_infoExpanded": true, "_sourceNode": { "$ref": "4" }, "_targetNode": { "$ref": "8" }, "_isActive": true, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.BTConnection" }, { "_infoExpanded": true, "_sourceNode": { "$ref": "4" }, "_targetNode": { "$ref": "13" }, "_isActive": true, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.BTConnection" }, { "_infoExpanded": true, "_sourceNode": { "$ref": "4" }, "_targetNode": { "$ref": "16" }, "_isActive": true, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.BTConnection" }, { "_infoExpanded": true, "_sourceNode": { "$ref": "4" }, "_targetNode": { "$ref": "21" }, "_isActive": true, "$type": "NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees.BTConnection" } ], "primeNode": { "$ref": "2" }, "canvasGroups": [], "localBlackboard": { "_name": "Local Blackboard", "_variables": { }, "$type": "NodeCanvas.Framework.Internal.BlackboardSource" } } |
Then in a child object there was another BTOwner which only had a timer to test if it was being paused or not… I ran the parent on repeat.
It works the first time through, but the timer acts weird and doesn’t stop the second time the “pause” behavior is run.
So, I did test exactly that and still it works. I have attached the test case here. Let me know if this works as expected for you. The BT get paused and unpaused correctly.
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*Edit – Refreshed and found it!!
Hey to you,
I don’t see the attachment… I’m a lost soul. 😉
Could you point me in the right direction.
This is a better example of what I am trying to do. If you look at the child object, the pause stops working the 2nd time around…
Hm. The contents of your attachement is exactly the same as the one I’ve send, except that “BTManager_2” right?
So. Because it works fine here, I am going to suppose that it’s something fixed in the last version.
If you drop me an email at ‘’ with an invoice ID, I will send you the last version asap which is exactly what Im using here and this example works fine.
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By the way, the new version is also already submited to the asset store and will be live at any moment 🙂
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I created two behavior trees that should be linked to the gameobject. In your version there weren’t any BTs… Odd.
I will wait and try out the new version before bothering you again. 🙂