In Animator window I set “idle” to default, and use NC FSM to play other animate states.
So I found that if the first play animate state is not “idle”, it would be play “idle” and the first play animate state node shows running forever. Like follows.
If I have to set Animator’s default state to different of the first play animate state node with FSM’s Play Mec Animation task?
This is a typical issue that is mostly mecanim based.
The Idle is triggered on the same frame as the Walk and because walk is triggered with Crossfade mecanim don’t know which animation to play and plays them both together (you can see that if you open the Animator window).
As such the action is never finished since the animation state is never finished.
Solutions for that is to not tell mecanim to play another animation other than it’s default state on the same frame.
You can simply make your default state to be the “Walk” state if that is really what you want to play first.
Also in reality, you walk animation action will be triggered after some kind of input, or other mechanic and not really OnEnable 🙂
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