Would it be at all practical to make the logic that disconnects a graph from it’s prefab a little smarter? Right now any mouse click or button press causes a disconnect, which complicates our workflow now that we have about a dozen BT prefabs in order to allow multiple people to work on different BTs at the same time. The issue is further compounded when people use the Revert button to reconnect the prefab, which has the unfortunate side-effect of removing any references to the scene from that instance of the prefab. I’m not a Unity editor expert so it’s difficult for me to tell what’s possible in this area.
I am a bit confused by the problem.
Did you by any chance mean when people use the “Apply” instead of “Revert” button?
The revert button will revert the instance to be the same with that of the prefab, but the scene instance doesn’t lose scene referenes. unless of course the instance is reverted back to a prefab that doesn’t even have a node that for example was added to the instance, in which case the instance doesnt will lose the node as whole too.
Is the problem that people occasionaly forget to Apply the prefab? I can definetely look into making it more smart, but it would be great to know the issue better.
Furthermore I would like to let you know that in verison 1.6 prefabs are now editable, without the need to put them into the scene 🙂
Editable prefabs are awesome feature, would love to do that in next version 😀
If we make a BT become a prefab without the BT Owner, and we delete the BT Owner on scene. What will happen? since the owner is the one who usually have blackboard? Will we still see the blackboard on prefabbed BT?
The problem arises when someone clicks in the NodeCanvas editor window for an instance of a BT that is connected to a prefab, and doesn’t want to hit “Apply” because they don’t want to change the prefab (they might’ve just wanted to pan the editor, or look at the settings on a node). If they hit revert, any references that that instance of the BT has to the rest of the scene (outside of the BT) will be lost for that instance. This is “normal” (though unfortunate) behavior for any Unity prefab.
Being able to edit BTs in prefabs will also help a lot with the problem. 🙂 I will PM you for the latest version.
Please send an email at info@nodecanvas.com and I will reply you with the new version.
Regarding you question, if you delete the BTOwner, the prefab will of course not show the blackboard 🙂
But any BBVariables will be rehooked when that prefab BT is used with another BTOwner that has a blackboard which satisfies the defined variables in the prefab BT.
Let me know if you have any more questions regarding that, be sure to send me an email for the new version 🙂
Best regards
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