I noticed a bug while evaluating Node Canvas. See description below. Do you have a fix for this ?
Issue :
Copy and paste (duplicate nodes) does not work correctly on probability selector node. Repro steps (1) Make a sub tree with probability selector with 2 action children (2) select all nodes and duplicate the sub-tree. Notice that the copied probability node has 6 weight entries instead of 2. See also attached picture.
Thank you Gavalakis.
Kindly let me know when you have fix I could merge.
Before I can “unleash” this package on others in the company, I would to have this resolved. I have had fun using it so far.
Has this issue been addressed ? I have been using your BT and FSM for a while now and this is the only source of pain for me. I would appreciate it if you could take a look at this.
Here is a quick fix (even though I will more properly handle this in the next version).
Please open up PrioritySelector.cs and change the OnChildConnectedMethod to be like this:
This handles the issue when duplicating a PrioritySelector along with connected children. If you duplicate a PrioritySelector alone however, you will still have original “weights” and when connecting a child node those will be used first before adding more.
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