Red errors after import NC_Playmaker (Integration Playmaker & Node Canvas)

NodeCanvas Forums Support Red errors after import NC_Playmaker (Integration Playmaker & Node Canvas)

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    after importing the file NC_Playmaker in the console, it produced two red errors:

    Assets\NodeCanvas Resources\Integrations\Playmaker\PlayMaker Actions\SendGlobalEvent.cs(18,10): error CS7036: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter ‘sender’ of ‘Graph.SendGlobalEvent(EventData, object)’

    Assets\NodeCanvas Resources\Integrations\Playmaker\NodeCanvas Tasks\Conditions\CheckPlayMakerBool.cs(43,16): error CS0117: ‘EditorUtils’ does not contain a definition for ‘BBParameterField’


    version Playmaker – 1.9.0.p15

    version Node Canvas – last update

    in project includes Flow Canvas last version


    I created a new 2D project on Unity3D 2018.3.14f1 and imported only these 3 assets in this order: Playmaker, Flow Canvas, Node Canvas.

    Still, after importing NC_Playmaker, the same 2 red errors occurred in the console.


    Hi robot! I had a similar problem with NC_Playmaker just two weeks ago.

    Presently it’s a step more. When I download ‘NC_Playmaker’ and also ‘FlowCanvas_NodeCanvas_Bridge’ the Unity Importer tells that ‘nothing to import because of that assets are already in my project’.
    And this is definitely wrong, it’s a fresh project only with Node- and FlowCanvas installed.

    I have a wish to you. Please be so kind sending me the ‘FlowCanvas_NodeCanvas_Bridge.unitypackage’ you downloaded.
    I would like to run your version in my environment testing if errors are still staying.

    Here is a temporary email address I just installed:

    If your Unitypackage, downloaded from Paradoxnotation and have been send to me, is working, then there is a strange kind of error accuring on both of my PC and Laptop when downloading from
    Pleas give a helping hand to me,
    Many Thanks


    Hi eggeuk,

    I send you email.

    I just tried to import into a clean project with only 3 assets (Playmaker, Flow Canvas and Node Canvas), and this asset FlowCanvas_NodeCanvas_Bridge was imported as usual. (on Unity3D 2018.3.14f1 version)


    At first I have to send my thanks to robot.
    With his help I got two working files for integration of Node-/Flow-Canvas and Playmaker. He did downloading and send them to me.

    Downloading by myself did not work.
    As I can see now, my downloads were corrupted with wrong CRC. Why this happend – I don’t know. From other domain I always could download correct unitypackage files. Maybe we find a reason some day 😉



    Back to the errors robot found: I got the same ones.

    – Fresh Unity project, 2018.3.14f1
    – NodeCanvas and FlowCanvas
    – PlayMaker
    – Node/FlowCanvas Bridge
    All ok!

    – Integration file NC_PlayMaker
    – Red errors pilot reported about.

    By the way:

    In Asset Store NodeCanvas is announced with support for PlayMaker.
    In Documentation we find the sentence:
    ‘PlayMaker integration is no longer maintained. The integration package and this documentation is legacy.’

    Is integration with PlayMaker supported?

    And what is with the integration of other third party files? Some of them are really aged.



    Oh, on the page in the store, there is support for Playmaker that influenced my purchase during the promotion with discounts. (The same is indicated in the documentation downloaded with the purchased asset, and this was on May 9 – 2019 just recently)
    Now it turns out that in the end integration with Playmaker is not supported.
    This is pretty sad.
    Is support Playmaker permanently discontinued?
    If you do not plan to add support Playmaker, then tell me how can I use the same global variables in both Playmaker and Node Canvas?


    Hello guys,

    I have just updated the playmaker package to resolve the compile errors and uploaded to the downloads section.
    I have also attached the package for your convenience here.

    Please let me know if that works for you now.
    Thank you!

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    Thanks, I checked it seems everything works.
    But I have one more question, can you please explain how in the Playmaker I can get access to the variable from Blackboard let us say in the BoolTest actions playmaker?


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    Hello again,

    You can’t really select a “NodeCanvas” variable in the “PlayMaker” variable dropdown, since these are different systems. What you can do though, is to sync the variables, that have the same name and type. As such, you need to create a variable in Playmaker as well, with the same name (myBoolean) and the same type (boolean). Once that is done, you then need to enable the “Sync Variables” option in the “Start Playmaker FSM” Action Task in NodeCanvas. Here is an excerpt from the relevant documentation and for your conveniecen regarding “Sync Variables”:

    “If the option to Sync Variables is checked, then the value of all common variables (name + type) between the Behaviour Tree blackboard and playMaker FSM, will be copied over to the playmaker FSM on execution, which then will be possible to change and modified by playMaker and then copied back to the Behaviour Tree blackboard.”

    Syncing, takes place when the “Start Playmaker FSM” action, executes the Playmaker FSM (at the start), as well as at the end, when that FSM is stoped and control is returned back to NodeCanvas.

    Please let me know if that clarifies the usage.

    Thank you.

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