Renaming Global Variables

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Renaming Global Variables

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  • #12151

    Hi, i’m planning to switch to a combination of playmaker and node canvas for my next project (or possibly only node canvas). I had a great deal of trouble in Playmaker, since renaming variables does not refactor the variable names in FSM’s, so you can imagine the amount of work needed to fix everything up.

    I just wanted to know how does Node Canvas deal with this, are all the references correctly reconnected when i change the global variable names?



    Global Variable names are correctly keeping referenced when changed in NodeCanvas, unless the Global Blackboard (place where variables are stored) name itself get changed. As long as the Global Blackboard name is set once and not changed, variables should be reconnected when their name changes.

    Please note though, that in contrary to playmaker, in NodeCanvas, Global Variables are per-scene and not an asset in the project. As such in cases where prefabs are involved to be used across different scene, global variables references will indeed be lost if their name changes.
    This is something though that I am already looking to refactor and address.

    If you have any other questions, please let me know.

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    That would be all for now, thank you for a thorough answer 🙂

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